作者: 凯利。格林

发表日期: 5/19/2022

类别: F1RST杂志 大学新闻

A photograph of several people seated in a conference room
首届“以社区为中心的公共安全转型最佳实践”(CCPS)证书的与会者, held at the Wingspread Foundation in Racine, 威斯康辛州.

New Compass Credential Inspires Creative,
社区-Centered Approach to 公共安全

The Office of Compass Credentials at 博天堂官方入口登陆登录 offers several different courses that support lifelong learning, 所有这些都满足了文科和快速变化的劳动力需求的交叉点. Often shaped by social context, these 凭证s intentionally focus on equity, access and inclusion.

近年来,在美国,围绕警察改革和种族公正采取行动的呼声越来越高. 随着全国各城市继续共同努力建设安全的社区, new community-centered models are proving to impact public safety.

In January, Carroll's School of Education and Human Services partnered with Art Howell, retired police chief for the Racine Police Department, 提供首个以社区为中心的公共安全转型最佳实践 凭证.

从芝加哥的非营利组织到政府组织的社区领导人在拉辛市Wingspread教育中心的约翰逊基金会举行会议,讨论公共安全模式的转变, 威斯康辛州. The goal was to bring people together in several different spaces for three days, under Wingspread's mission and "convene for impact."

CCPS方法是一种提高社区领导者地位的共享领导模式, 重建公共安全官员服务和保护当地居民的基本前提,而不是占领社区. 此外,这个新模型尽可能强调编程和服务,而不是强制执行.

“这种观点让人们有机会看到居民在维护社区安全方面可以发挥的重要作用,凯西·克莱默说, dean for the School of Education and Human Services. “It reframes the ‘us versus them' mentality.”

For Kramer, this idea has been years in the making. 大约十年前, 克莱默想知道,把社区服务作为一种身临其境的体验是什么感觉,博天堂官方入口登陆登录的学生将在一个社区生活两周, engaging directly with schools, after-school programs, churches and neighborhoods. Kramer worked with stakeholders from school boards, pastors from churches and the local police department to facilitate the program.

“我们发现的是, if you don't engage in all aspects of the community, 你会错过对课堂上学生生活的重要理解,克莱默说.

去年, 克莱默与豪厄尔密切合作,开发了CCPS证书,以便不同的声音可以参与到这个过程中, 最终, establish solution-based action planning to take back to their communities. 豪厄尔36年的警察生涯为执法视角提供了有益的背景.

The conference began with a historical overview of policing in America, presentations from panelists and break-out sessions. 主题涵盖从学校安全和家庭暴力情况下的冲突解决到办公室健康和监禁后重返社区.

Fourteen participants convened for 8-hour conference sessions over three days, followed by fellowship after hours. 豪厄尔说,这有助于人们走出各自的藩篱,更多地了解彼此.

“人们惊讶地发现,他们所做的工作是相互独立的,豪厄尔说. “他们了解到,如果他们在战略上与领导保持一致,那么他们的组织就会承担责任, they could be more effective.”

Participants from Chicago, 包括来自芝加哥社区倡议等非营利组织的各种高管, the Greater Roseland Chamber of Commerce and Kids off the Block, made up most of the first cohort. A city alderman – and former U.S. Secretary of Education under the Obama administration – was also in attendance.

豪厄尔说,这些社区领导人意识到,他们基本上都想要同样的东西, but they had never worked together to achieve it before. 日复一日, 会议让参与者反思他们如何在这个空间中共同存在, 把想法放在一个更大的背景下,他们可以把它们带回他们的社区.

第一天,我们从历史的角度探讨了警务的起源,包括其消极和积极的内涵,从而奠定了对话的基础. Howell said this context is an essential part of reform. 一方面,美国的执法有一段黑暗的历史,其根源可以追溯到奴隶制. 另一方面, 罗伯特•皮尔爵士(Sir Robert Peel)提出的九项警务原则给人一种秩序感, developed in London in the 1800s. For community stakeholders to approach public safety earnestly, awareness of both elements is critical.

“以社区为导向的警务服务通常与禁毒战争和监禁等主题联系在一起,豪厄尔说. “If we start with the historical context, there is a manner of progression, and we can begin to emphasize public safety over law enforcement.”

Another organization in attendance, Creating Real Economic Destiny (CRED), 致力于为芝加哥帮派成员和有风险的罪犯提供贸易专业. 它的领导者是一名前科犯,他为满屋子的博天堂官方入口登陆登录和社区领袖提供了强有力的观点.

第二天, participants began to settle into their shared space, brainstorming ideas that wouldn't necessarily arise during their typical workday. 金伯利莫里斯, a participant from Chicago Neighborhood Initiative (CNI), 我觉得,如果没有Wingspread空间提供的合作氛围,这种水平的团队建设是不可能实现的.

“培训为社区组织提供了一个绝佳的机会,可以联合起来,制定战略,解决我们社区一些最棘手的暴力问题, trauma and restoring public safety,” said 金伯利莫里斯, 芝加哥社区倡议(CNI)房地产和社区发展主任. “我们的团队能够带着一个倡议框架离开,这将改变我们社区解决这些问题的方式.”


The conference also involved sessions dedicated to asset mapping, 利益相关者学习如何与邻近组织合作寻找资源的途径. 例如, organizations like the United Way have assets in Chicago, but if these leaders aren't connected or in a relationship with one another, other organizations in the community cannot access these assets. When it comes to asset mapping, intentional communication is critical.

“It's about preserving the work that has already been done,” said Howell. “And finding a path forward. 词汇问题.”

最后,在第三天,小组进入了行动计划阶段,检查要填补的空白. 参与者进行了一项调查,以确定他们的集体资产映射和个人行动计划的下一步, which Wingspread will eventually distribute.

在某种意义上, 社区成功看起来就像CCPS培训本身——不同的人从不同的角度走到一起,合作解决他们社区的复杂问题. 如果社区利益相关者能够共同努力,就公共安全的最佳做法达成一致, new action plans will set the stage for reform.


“I value that Carroll is part of something so positive,” Kramer said. “The more we learn about each other, the more we learn that our differences are not so different after all.”

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