A Veteran's Journey from Carroll to the Capitol

作者: Marketing Communications Team

发表日期: 11/10/2023

类别: 校友

Dr. 斯科特·尼科尔03年
Dr. 斯科特·尼科尔03年

On this Veterans Day, we pay tribute to remarkable individuals like Dr. 斯科特·尼科尔03年, who have devoted themselves selflessly to the service of their country.  

Hailing from the heart of Milwaukee, Dr. 尼科尔's journey in the Navy began in 1980 when he enlisted as an Intelligence Officer. Following the tragic events of 9/11, Dr. 尼科尔 decided to reenlist for another six years, ending his service in 2007.

Dr. 尼科尔's commitment to 军事 service runs in the family. 他的叔叔, 队长洛弗尔, played a pivotal role in Apollo's 8 and 13 missions, and this legacy served as a powerful motivator for him. 

“As I got older and more involved in seeing what was happening in the world and having a front-row seat to much of it for years, I wanted to give back and learn more,”医生说。. 尼科尔. “When your uncle is 队长洛弗尔 from Apollo’s 8 and 13, I think the drive to follow him was a real force that led me to want to get involved where I can.” 

The 军事 not only instilled discipline and a sense of purpose in Dr. 尼科尔 but also encouraged him to pursue higher education. This 军事 background led him to 博天堂官方入口登陆登录 as a non-traditional college student, choosing to return to education later in life. 

In 2003, he proudly earned his Bachelor of Science in Business Administration from Carroll. This marked the beginning of a fascinating journey that would eventually lead him to the world of journalism. 

Dr. 尼科尔 joined the ranks of Fox News as a correspondent in 2004, working alongside the legendary Tony Snow, who later became the White House Press Secretary under President Bush in April 2006. 仅仅两周后,Dr. 尼科尔 joined him in the White House as an Assistant Press Secretary. 

Driven by a thirst for knowledge and a relentless commitment to making a difference, Dr. 尼科尔 pursued a master's degree in National Security Studies from the American Military University and a Doctorate in Political Science for 国际 Relations from Sciences Po in Paris, 法国. He also obtained a Certificate in Public Policy from the prestigious Harvard Kennedy School of Government. 

Throughout his remarkable career, Dr. 尼科尔 sharpened his expertise in counterterrorism, specializing in intelligence preparation, 协调, 和规划. His knowledge extended to tackling international threat issues, 比如恐怖主义, 不稳定, political violence and the intricate strategies and procedures required for special 军事 and interagency operations planning. 

Dr. 尼科尔 has leveraged his expertise to mentor and educate the next generation of professionals in the field, serving as an adjunct professor in the Criminal Justice Department at the University of North Texas's College of Health and Public Service. 另外, he assumed the role of Director of Academia at the Emergency Operations Proving Grounds.  

“While I was teaching Domestic & 国际 Terrorism at the University of North Texas, I got a firsthand lesson in what young people did and didn’t know about the world,”医生说。. 尼科尔.

今天,博士. 尼科尔 splits his time between Dallas and Fort Worth, where he serves as a government & international business development manager for Shoppa's Material Handling. He also offers consulting services and plays a crucial role in providing security for the popular TV series, 黄石公园. 

“I’ve had the opportunity to work with some amazing people in politics, 军事, 新闻与商业,”医生说。. 尼科尔. “Without my 军事 and schooling background, much of that would never have happened.” 

As we pause to honor and reflect upon our Veterans' profound sacrifices and remarkable achievements, Dr. 尼科尔's journey stands as a shining example of the extraordinary paths that can be charted through unwavering dedication, selfless service and unyielding determination. His story is a testament to the remarkable individuals who have devoted themselves to the service of their country, and it continues to inspire us all. 
